The EuroFeria Andaluza of Brussels invites you to take part in its annual
“Affiches EuroFeria Andaluza”
Format: A2 (420 x 594 mm) or A3 (297
x 420 mm).
Standards: Leave a space or insert “EuroFeria
Andaluza” in large letters and leave a space of +/- 20% to insert
the logos and text (Brussels, year and date etc.)
Topics: Farolillos, European and Andalusian
flags, Andalusian horses, Sevillian dancers…
Prize: 500€ +
printing and distribution of more than 300.000
copies (with the signature of the artist), prize-giving ceremony
and appearance of the poster in the press and other media.
Date limit: Entries can be submitted
thoughout the year. The committee chooses the winning entry on 2014,
15 November before the EuroFeria.
Send or take entries to: EuroFeria
Andaluza, Quai de Marimont, 22 - 1080 Brussels.
They can also be sent by email as an attachment (2.000 x 3.000 pixels
minimum) to:
[email protected] (affiches)
To give you inspiration - you can see the posters of previous years
on our website.
Entries are non-returnable. EuroFeria Andaluza ASBL will hold the copyright
of the winning entry.